

Modelowanie atrybucyjne - rodzaje i jak je wykorzystać
Attributional modeling – the key to understanding the effectiveness of marketing activities

In an era of increasing number of communication channels and brand touch points, proper identification of the importance and impact of each channel is becoming increasingly important. Correctly answering the question: to what extent did the use of a given message and channel affect the achievement of a goal is crucial for optimizing activities and […]

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predykcja sprzedaży czy predykcja popytu
Predicting sales in unpredictable times. Why is it important to forecast not only sales but also demand?

The terms sales prediction and demand prediction are sometimes used interchangeably. However, there is a fundamental difference between them. What is this difference and which prediction should we particularly focus on?

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Zakupy w galerii handlowej
Where should I look for customers?

However, a healthy business needs a steady stream of new customers. And there is usually little (or no) data on them. So can data science help in reaching potential customers?

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How to optimize marketing efforts with data science?

As the number of products sold increases, customer expectations become more exacting, and competition becomes fiercer, optimal campaign planning becomes even more challenging. Fortunately, data science can help.

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